
Web Hacking with Burp Suite - Part II

 Web Hacking with Burp Suite -II In previous blog i discussed about ghe basic of Brup Suite, Now we are going to discuesss breifly  Lets start..... Burp Suite Overview: Burp Suite has a large array of features, including but not limited to: Interception Proxy:  Designed to give the user control over requests sent to the server. Repeater:  The ability to rapidly repeat/modify specific requests. Intruder:  Feature that allows automation of custom attacks/payloads Decoder:  Decode and encode strings to various formats (URL, Base64, HTML, etc.) Comparer:  Can highlight differences between requests/responses Extender:  API to extend Burps functionality, with many free extensions available via the BApp store. Spider and Discover Content feature:  Crawls links on a web application, and the discover content can be used to dynamically enumerate unlinked content. Scanner (Pro Only):  Automated scanner that checks for web appl...

An Introduction to Burp Suite – Part One

 An Introduction to Burp Suite – Part One Burp suite provides a solid platform for launching a web application security  assessment. In this guide we’re going to introduce the features of Burp and how you  can use them to discover web application vulnerabilities. The Basics Burp is available for download from, or you can find a copy in  most popular security tool distributions, including Backtrack and Kali. Burp is a GUI application written in Java, and distributed as a ‘.jar’ file - so it is  possible to fire it up by opening the ‘.jar’ with a double click. However, I tend to  prefer to open the Burp GUI via the command line, as that allows me to provide  Burp with more system memory to improve its performance. java -jar –Xmx2048mb /Applications/burpsuite_pro_v1.5.jar Running the above command from the command line opens Burp with 2 GB’s (2048  MB’s) of memory allocated. There are two versions of...

Proxy To Bypass Restrictions On College Network

Proxy To Bypass Restrictions On College Network Seeing the amount of time and bandwidth students waste on social networking sites and torrent downloads. Most of the colleges (at-least in India) have blocked access to such sites on their network. The effectiveness of this restrictive measures depend upon the system used by the college to place this restrictions. Now most of this systems can be easily bypassed by using some simple trick or procedure. But some colleges employ professional system to place the restrictions. Bypassing them can be a real headache. But here is a proxy service which you can use to even bypass this professional systems. Frankly i didn't try it, but one of my friend was facing the restrictions on his college Wi-Fi, especially for torrent downloads. Now he had the options to use other bypassing tricks but it would not work for him because he was compelled to use his student login details to connect to the...

How to hack CCTV camera 🎥

 How to hack CCTV camera 🎥 Step 1 : Downloading Angry IP Scanner Angry IP scanner   that is generally used by network administrators for port scanning and detecting for the suspicious activity.It is available on all the major OS. First Download and install the Angry IP scanner. Step 2 : Knowing your IP address range It is very important to know your public IP for accomplishing our target.CCTV cameras are connected to our broadband internet connection.If you are using a broadband connection then you can know your public IP by just going to   Google   or  Bing  and typing in the search box “My IP” .It will show your public IP. Here is my public IP .So the IP range will be to Step 3 : Configuring Angry IP scanner Now you have to open   Angry IP Scanner . Go to Tools > Preferences > Ports | include ports 80,8080,23 in Port choice tab  It will filte...

How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack)

How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack) Requirements: Backtrack  or  Kali Linux  if you don't have download them from below : Download Kali linux Download Backtrack Linux. Metasploit , you will need this which is important actually it's pre-installed in backtrack or Kali but some of you  don't have it in your backtrack or Kali so you can download them from here. DOWNLOAD METASPLOIT [ LINUX  ]. DOWNLOAD METASPLOIT [ WINDOWS ] . How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack).  My main reason for this tutorial is to indicate exactly how simple it is, so you will take better mindfulness that it is possible, and take security and protect yourself. So lets get started: How to Hack WebCam using Metasploit(Kali Linux/ Backtrack) Open Metasploit And write the following commands step by step :) msf> show exploits msf> use windows/browser/adobe_cooltype_sing msf exploit(adobe_cooltyp...

Brute-Force Email Using a Simple Bash Script (Ft. THC Hydra)

Brute-Force Email Using a Simple Bash Script (Ft. THC Hydra) THC Hydra is very prominent online brute-force tool and has been featured in Null-Byte quite a lot. It is dictionary based, as you will have to provide a wordlist with possible passwords. You can read the README here: Today ,we will be focusing on brute forcing email, or more specifically, SMTP, also known as the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is your standard protocol for sending electronic mail. Let's get started! Step 1 Open Up Kali! Of course, we will be using Kali Linux. I use mine on VMware Workstation, but it won't really matter what you use. Let's open up Leafpad, or your text editing program of your choice. Step 2 Bash Time! We're going to write a little bit of script, so that we can save some time instead of going through the hassle of actually typing out parameters. On Leafpad, type: #! /bin/bash echo Sim...